Teaching Miracles in Public Education in Israel An Action-research in teaching Bible in the non –religious school
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2014 .M.A. Alumni
Theses of the M.A. Alumni of The Melton Centre for Jewish Education
Teaching Midrash Hazal in the Secular Environment. Action Research in the Teaching of Jewish Culture in the State-run Settlement Education System
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2014 .The Concept of Child and Childhood as a Basis for the Educational Philosophy of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2014 .The Rabbinic Treatment of the Biblical Stories of Barren Women as an Educational Tool for Giving Expression to Varied Voices Regarding the Status of Women
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2014 .Aspects in the Application of Martin Buber's Philosophy to Early Childhood Education
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2014 .Does the Bar Mitzva ceremony (at the age of 13) at the Western Wall Plaza serves as a 'Rite of Passage' for the Non-Religious Israeli Jew
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2014 .Bible Teaching Through Active Learning
. 2014 ."From carrying stretcher to carrying school bags"
Analysis of the leadership style and transition of officers and commanders in the IDF who became school principals
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2013 .Attitudes of Bible teachers in the state education system towards traditionally – oriented students and to manifestations of traditional viewpoints in the classroom
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2013 .They who Study Torah for its Own Sake?”
An inquiry into the motivations of non-Religious Adults to engage in extended and Regular Jewish Studies
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2011 .Pluralism in the religious-secular integrated education system in Israel: Prayer and prayer-parallels
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2011 .Components of ethnic identity and identification among returning emigrants: The stories of Israeli children who grew up in the U.S and chose to return and live in Israel
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2011 .Is pluralism a central component in the consideration of parents whose children were educated in Kol Haneshamah kindergartens when choosing a kindergarten for second or additional children?
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2011 .Do the Rabbis of The Babylonian Talmud set Limits to AGADA?
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2011 .Gestures Learning Talmud with Ethnographic work on Hevruta Learning in Bait Midrash
. The Melton Centre for Jewish Education. 2011 .