The Melton Centre annually organizes conferences on a variety of topics in its areas of expertise. These conferences allow for a fruitful interaction and discourse between top people in the field and offer the opportunity to stay updated on findings and innovations in different arenas.
The conferences serve as a platform both locally and internationally to present the most recent research and engage in questions and concerns on a broad spectrum of issues in Jewish education.
January 2 - 4, 2007
Special Opening Session
International Conference on The Contemporary Peoplehood of Jews: Myth or Reality?
Chair: Dalia Ofer, Head, The Avram Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Menachem Magidor, President, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Israel Bartal, Dean, The Faculty of Humanities, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Keynote Address:
Michael Walzer, Princeton University
Session 1 - Jewish Ethnicity and Nationalism in an Era of Globalization
International Conference on The Contemporary Peoplehood of Jews: Myth or Reality?
Chair: Jonathan Cohen, The Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Hedva Ben Israel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Zionism as Nationalism: Is it Unique?
Shlomo Avineri: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Between Universal Peoplehood and the Nation-State
Alexander Yakobson, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Israel: Typical or Peculiar among Democratic States?
Session 3 - Jewish Identity in an Era of Multiculturalism (B)
International Conference on The Contemporary Peoplehood of Jews: Myth or Reality?
Chair: Eliyahu Honig, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Bernard Wasserstein, University of Chicago.
The Erosion of Jewish Identity
Jack Wertheimer, Jewish Theological Seminary
Fraying Allegiances: How Young American Jews Relate to the Jewish People.
Michael Brown, York University.
The Impact of Canadian Multiculturalism on Jews: Myth or Reality?
Naama Sabar-Ben Yehoshua, Tel-Aviv University
Jewish Renewal: The Story of Two Educational Communities, Tel Aviv and Los Angeles.
Session 4 - The Jews and Left-Liberal Critiques of Israel
International Conference on The Contemporary Peoplehood of Jews: Myth or Reality?
Chair: Peter Medding, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Antony Lerman, Institute for Jewish Policy Research, London.
A British Perspective.
Milton Shain, University of Capetown.
A South African Perspective.
Gideon Shimoni, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Jews and the Israel-Apartheid Equation.
Session 5 - Contemporary Jewish Cultural Creativity in Israel and the English-Speaking Diaspora: Convergence or Divergence?
International Conference on The Contemporary Peoplehood of Jews: Myth or Reality?
Chair: Jonathan Frankel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Menahem Brinker, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The Distinctiveness of Israeli Literature among Other Jewish Literatures.
Anita Norich, University of Michigan
Hebraism and Yiddishism: Paradigms of Modern Jewish Literary History.
Sidra Dekoven-Ezrahi: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Europe, Israel and America: The Global Theatre of Jewish Tragedy, Epic, and Comedy in the Twentieth Century.
Session 6 - Jewish Peoplehood in Education.
International Conference on The Contemporary Peoplehood of Jews: Myth or Reality?
Chair: Shlomi Ravid, Director of the School for Jewish Peoplehood Studies at Beth Hatefutsoth.
Zeev Mankowitz, The Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Whence the Growing Interest in Jewish Peoplehood? Some Educational Reflections.
Alan Hoffman, Director General, Education Department, The Jewish Agency for Israel.
Israel in Jewish Peoplehood Education.
Michael Rosenak, Mandel Professor of Jewish Education, The Melton Centre for Jewish Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Two Theological Views of Jewish Peoplehood: J.B. Soloveitchik and R. Eliezer Berkovits.
Watch lecture on Youtube: Jewish Peoplehood in Education
Philosophical Inquiry with Children: A meeting point between cultures and identities.
13th biannual ‘International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children' Conference
Session on Religion, Reason and Spirituality
Prof. Avi Sagi - Head of the Philosophy Department - Bar-Ilan University
Relations between Religion and Reason
Sheik Ghasam Mansara - Founder of Derech Abraham, Institute for Dialog and Understanding between Moslems and Jews.
The Complete Human Being: Man as a Microcosmos in the Sufi faith
Vera Glicksman - Reiki Master
Educating towards spirituality
13th biannual ‘International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children' Conference.
Session - Philosophy in Multicultural Contexts
Dr. Eugenio Echeverría - Director of the Latin American Centre of Philosophy for Children and Youth (Celafin), Mexico.
"Teacher Education in Philosophy for Children in Multicultural Contexts"
13th biannual ‘International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children' Conference.
Session "Philosophy and Religion"
Øyvind Olsholt - Co-Director of Children and Youth Philosophers. Norwegian Center for Philosophy with Children and Youth.
Walk and Talk: Pilgrimage and Philosophical Practice
Dr. Gregory Maughn - Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children - Montclair State University.
Philosophy, Religion and Philosophy for Children
Director of Philosophy for Children Graduate Programs, Montclair State University.
13th biannual ‘International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children' Conference.
The 13th biannual 'International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children' Conference.
June 4-8 2007
Melton Centre for Jewish Education, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Philosophical Inquiry with Children: A meeting point between cultures and identities
The connection between Jewish Education and Pluralism constitutes one of the central challenges to Jewish education in Israel and in the Diaspora. The subject is broad and multi-dimensional and there is insufficient clarity of concepts for the theoretical and practical implementation of pluralistic Jewish education. There is thus a need for an in-depth examination, from a range of educational, psychological, sociological, cultural, religious and inter-religious perspectives. In the Jewish education arena in Israel and worldwide, there are a large number of initiatives that sometimes further the theoretical discourse. In the last few years, the discussion of pluralism has been transformed from an important question into an existential issue in many countries, and this against the background of the conflicting trends of globalization, on the one hand, and the search for cultural authenticity, on the other. It is critically important to create an opportunity for deepening the dialogue between the theoretical discourse and the practical discourse, with an eye to mutual fertilization and edification from the meeting of various arenas of discourse.
The Melton Center for Jewish Education at the Hebrew University and MAKOM – The Israel Engagement Network are committed to reconsidering the fundamental philosophical and practical questions of Israel as a crucial concern to contemporary Jewish life. When approaching the challenge of dealing with Israel in Jewish education there is a need for new thinking that can help address questions such as, what should I teach about Israel? Why teach it? What are my purposes in teaching Israel?
Watch the lectures on Youtube. Click here.
See the picture gallery here.